RIFF – Identity

The special

ops of



Be digital, stay human

Riff – Identity


Optimal customer contact. Who do you turn to when the challenges are exceptionally urgent and the risks gigantic? When every contact counts?

Meet RIFF. Not your average customer care center. Not your average help desk. But the special forces for complex customer service. For over 30 years, driven specialists in creative, unique yet practical solutions. In évery challenging situation. From calamity too crisis. From recalls too disasters.

At RIFF premium customer service is key. By thinking in personal rather than in processes and in frames over scripts. This way they master every situation where the pressure rises with respect of the human aspect.

Whatever the level of complexity is RIFF can always dive in, take over, answer, explain, take care, solve and when needed quickly scale up.

Brand Strategy  |  Logo Design  |  Corporate Identity  |  Visual Identity  |  Tone of Visual  |  Tone of Voice  |  Web Design  |  Communication

The challenge

Riff asked us to help them stand out from the crowd and work with them on their brand strategy, positioning and brand story. Building their total brand identity on top of that to match their proposition: Be digital, stay human.

An identity that brings out their ability to handle all crisis situations quickly, decisively and thoroughly as the specialists they are, without losing sight off their creative, young and fresh side. Where they bring in the human factor to face and tackle all digital challenges.


Our goal was to create a fresh and bold anchor, but with respect to the current design. Optimising readability and impact by breaking with the boxed design and transparant parts.

By building on the block-structure in place we were able to maintain recognition, but improve the design as well.


Where the previous design was based on various mergers, we reinterpreted the block-structure.
The digital dimension and the human perspective is represented by the ‘pixel’. Working side by side to be unified as óne outcome/solution.

Eventhough this conceptual thought is no longer visible because of the solid appearance of said pixels, it is still visible in the way we treat imagery.

Brand Identity

As communication is at the core of their business we put the emphasis on their trade. Bringing out all the punctuation marks and (reading) figures and styles of communication. These marks bring nuance, understanding, emotion, accentuation, sophistication and all other human abilities to guide communication for it to be more than flat automated output.

We do this by blowing up, or zooming in on these marks. Emphasizing on their meaning, or leaving them as a playful and more abstract element.

Next to that we treat imagery with a special RIFF-styling. Turning them into halftone images with a raster that is made of squares (pixels), bridging the digital world with the human factor. 


Besides a full stationary set including businesscards, several templates & formats. We also delivered a full office interior redesign in style. And we didn’t stop there. We put our hands on the website, communication campaigns, launch events, merchandise and more.

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