De Eeuwige Jeugd



We can worry about getting old later

De Eeuwige Jeugd


You don’t stop playing because you’re growing older, you grow older because you stop playing!

How do you set yourself apart in an overcrowded beer category? Make sure everyone can connect to your brand. All of the De Eeuwige Jeugd’s (The Eternal Youth) lagers each have one specific character. Based on Amsterdam slang each character identifies the essence of the beer, representing some of the unique types you will find throughout the city.

Packaging Design  |  Logo Design  |  POS Material


We worked on the visual standout of their bottles by focusing on the illustrations of their typical Amsterdam personalities and making them pop. Maximising impact and making the clear label work in our advantage. Enhancing differentiation throughout the whole range and working on the brand recognition by adding a necklabel with the logo. Cheers!

Did you know

There’s a De Eeuwige Jeugd bar in Amsterdam Oost where you can ‘meet’ all the characters and see all of our work while you enjoy a perfectly brewed cold beer.

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